tshark file size

I have been attempting to capture a high volume of multicast traffic for a week now using TShark. The process always unexpectedly terminates. The captures start at various times of the day. Trying to figure out what is going on, I noticed that the capture

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  • I have been attempting to capture a high volume of multicast traffic for a week now using ...
    Answers to: File size limit on TShark? - Wireshark Q&A ...
  • Your command should work, maybe there's a bug. Use tshark (wireshark package) instead:...
    bash - Limit tcpdump capture files by time and size - Server ...
  • I have been attempting to capture a high volume of multicast traffic for a week now using ...
    File size limit on TShark? - Wireshark Q&A ...
  • This tutorial explains few practical and useful scenarios in using the tshark command. You...
    How to Use Wireshark Tshark to Specify File, Time, Buffer ...
  • How to work with large traffic capture files Rate This Your rating was not submitted, plea...
    How to work with large traffic capture files
  • Long-Term Traffic Capture With Wireshark By stretch | Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 3:46 a.m...
    Long-Term Traffic Capture With Wireshark - PacketLife.net
  • But it seems to beg the question of how one can minimize the size of the capture file. All...
    Minimizing Capture File Size? - Wireshark Q&A
  • When reading a capture file, TShark will stop reading the file after the number of bytes r...
    tshark - The Wireshark Network Analyzer 2.4.2
  • TShark is a network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture packet data from a live network...
    tshark(1): Dumpanalyze network traffic - Linux man page
  • currently my command is tshark.exe -i (int interface) -V -x -w C:\file.pcap but i cann...
    wireshark - How can i limit the packet size when i am captur ...